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Security and Privacy


Certified Domain

SimonsArtSupplies.com has been verified by GoDaddy.com as a legitimate website. The Domain Origination Certified seal below provides evidence that this domain has been validated and its registrant’s credentials verified.


SSL Certificate

SSL certificate provides secure online shopping experience by encrypting personal and payment details before any of these information are sent to our website. It gives you the confidence to purchase online.

Simon's Art Supplies is using shared GeoTrust SSL Certificate provided by BigCommerce to protect the personal and payment details of yours when you buy through our site. When you proceed to checkout at Simon's Art Supplies, you are redirected to BigCommerce secure site, https://simonsartsupplies.mybigcommerce.com, to complete your purchase.


Credit Card Processing

Simon's Art Supplies uses SecureNet Payment Systems as it's security verification and credit card processing gateway. SecureNet Payment Systems maintains PCI compliance in all of its operations. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a mandatory global standard established by the major card associations to ensure the protection of cardholder data. Based on twelve guidelines, the PCI DSS requires merchants to make their physical and virtual environments secure to ensure protection of cardholder data.


Privacy Policy

This site uses Google Analytics and ClickTale to monitor the site's usability. Google Analytics analyzes the performance of a website, such as user activity, searched keywords and site usability, by providing statistics on the users of the website. ClickTale analyzes the site by recording mouse clicks and movements, scrolling and searched keywords. However, neither Google Analytics nor ClickTale collects personally identifiable information that you do not voluntarily enter in this website.

If you do not wish Google Analytics and ClickTale to record your usability on our website, you may disable the services.

Disable ClickTale-
Visit http://www.clicktale.net/disable.html to disable the service.

Disable Google Analytics-
Visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout to install an add-on.

If you have purchased from us online or in-store, or signed up with our newsletter in the past, Simon's Art Supplies will send promotions via email from time to time. If you do not wish to receive our promotions via email, you may visit www.simonsartsupplies.com/pages/newsletter.html to unsubscribe.

Simon's Art Supplies, likes all companies, maintains a list of current customers.  We maintain that information in our own records only so that we can contact you. Simon's Art Supplies has no intention to rent, exchange or sell your information to other organizations for commercial purposes.